Jumat, 21 September 2018

Example of News Analysis

Hai, di sini saya akan memberikan contoh tentang analisis berita dalam Bahasa Inggris. Saya mengangkat berita tentang gempa bumi yang terjadi di Indonesia. Selamat membaca

Indonesia Rocked by SECOND Earthquake - Pacific Ring of Fire on Alert

PUBLISHED: 18:04, Tue, Jan 23, 2018 | UPDATED: 19:28, Tue, Jan 23, 2018

Earlier today an earthquake measuring 6 on the Richter scale struck near the capital of Jakarta, leaving hundreds of buildings damaged. And just hours later a second earthquake struck, albeit several hundred miles to the east in the less populous Seram region.
Earthquake monitor CSEM EMSC said the quake struck at around 5.38pm GMT at a depth of 25 miles. They said Ambon was the nearest heavily populated area, with around 350,000 people living in the city.
It comes after a day of chaos in the Pacific Ring of Fire, with earthquakes striking and volcanoes eruption across the globe.
Today’s earlier Indonesia quake saw patients evacuated from hospitals and people flee their homes. A spokesman for Indonesia's disaster agency said: “In Cianjur, six students were seriously injured and two students suffered light injuries when the roof collapsed.”He said more than 130 homes and a mosque were damaged.
Indonesia sits on the geologically active Pacific Ring of Fire and is regularly hit by earthquakes. In 2004, the Indian Ocean tsunami killed 226,000 people in 13 countries, including more than 120,000 in Indonesia.In December, a quake of 6.5 magnitude killed at least three people when it hit Java, at a depth of 57 miles, and buildings in Jakarta swayed for several seconds.
The World Bank reckons natural disasters cost Indonesia 0.3 percent of its gross domestic product annually but a 2015 government report on disaster risk management said a major earthquake, occurring once every 250 years, could cause losses in excess of $30 billion, or 3 percent of GDP.

Analysis of News 
Language Features
Express.Home of the Daily and Sunday Expressed
Indonesia rocked by SECOND earthquake - Pacific Ring of Fire on alert

Direct Speech :
A spokesman for Indonesia's disaster agency said: “In Cianjur, six students were seriously injured and two students suffered light injuries when the roof collapsed.”

Indirect Speech :
1.     Earthquake monitor CSEM EMSC said the quake struck at around 5.38pm GMT at a depth of 25 miles.
2.     They said Ambon was the nearest heavily populated area, with around 350,000 people living in the city.
3.    He said more than 130 homes and a mosque were damaged.
Who explained about the student who become the victims?
A spokesman for Indonesia’s disaster

When did the second earthquake happen?
On Tuesday, Jan 23th 2018around 5.38pm GMT

Where didthe earthquake strike?            
Near the capital ofJakarta

Why the earthquake happened?
Because achaos in the Pacific Ring of Fire
Simple past
Ex:In 2004, the Indian Ocean tsunami killed 226,000 people in 13 countries, including more than 120,000 in Indonesia.

Ex: In December, a quake of 6.5 magnitude killed at least three people when it hit Java, at a depth of 57 miles, and buildings in Jakarta swayed for several seconds.

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